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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - America
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America: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:48 Mi 08.08.2007
Autor: Shabi_nami

How do you see it? How would you describe the picture of America that is portrayed in this song? Positive, negative,subjectve,objective? What is your picture of America based on?

Theres a place where a kid without a cent
He can grow up to be president (to be president)
A magic kingdom filled with Barbie dolls
If youve got time we can make it a good time

Blue Jeans and Chinos
Coke, Pepsi and Oreos
Movies and heroes in the land of the free
You can be what you wanna be

They know how to advertise
Sell you anything at any price
Need it or not thats what you got
Take no bull from anyone
We just wanna have some fun
We got the queen of soul
Created rock n roll

Americanos from Holly Johnson

Blue Jeans an Chinos
Coke, Pepsi and Oreos
Low riding chicanos in the land of the free
You can be what you wanna be

Take it to the bridge one time

Satellite stations across the nations
Thats cable TV for you and me
Im cleaning kitchens, washing pots and pans
Everythings organised from crime to leisure time
High schools and swimming pools
King sharks n fools

Blue Jeans and Chinos
Coke, Pepsi and Oreos
Movies and heroes in the land of the free
You can be what you wanna be

Blue Jeans and Chinos
Coke, Pepsi and Oreos
Movies and heroes in the land of the free
You can be what you wanna be

Ich hab veruscht diese Aufgabe zu bearbeiten, da ich aber 1 Jahr kein Englisch hatte (ausgefallen) fiel es mir ziemlich schwer ganze sätze zu bilden oder die Sätze zu verknüpfen.Es wäre nett wenn jemand meinen Text korrigieren und was ergänzen könnte.Danke!

The picture of America is described very positive.In the song it is said that America is a land of unlimited opportunities. In the first stanza it is said that a child without money can grow up and compass his aim.Money is unimportant.
People in America are free.They can do or be what they want to.
The song also tells us that the people there are very clever.They know how to sell products at any price.But this also shows that the consumers in America are silly enough to buy expensive products.They do not care about money.
Everything is advanced there.They have cable TV and satellits.
All in all Holly Johnson is of the opinion that everything in America is possible and good.
My picture of America isn't exactly the same as Johnson's one.In my opinion most of the things descriibed in the songs aplly to a lot of other countries especially in Europe.When I think of america I think of full and loud street,traffic and busy people.I also associate Hollywood with america. The stars the oscar and other events in america.

America: Ein paar Fehlerchen
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:32 Mi 08.08.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hey Shabi_nami [winken],

Es hört sich ganz so an, als würdet ihr gerade "American Dreams" besprechen ;-)

Ich hab ein paar Fehler gefunden, jedoch bin ich mir nicht so sicher, ob das auch wirklich alles war...

> The picture of America is described very positive.In the
> song it is said that America is a land of unlimited
> opportunities. In the first stanza it is said that is about the fact that a child can grow up
> without money can grow up and compass his aim pursues his target. Money is
> unimportant (for this action).
>  People in America are free.Theythey can do or be what they
> want to.
>  The song also tells us that the people there are very
> clever . [red] becuase they They know how to sell products at any price at current prices.But this
> also shows that the consumers in America are silly imprudent enough
> to buy expensive products.They do not care about money.
>  Eeverything is advanced there.They have cable TV and
> satellits.
>  All in all Holly Johnson is of has the opinion that everything
> in America is possible and good.
>  My picture of America isn'tis not (keine Kurzformen, besonders nicht in der 12. Klasse ;-) ) exactly the same as Johnson's
> one.In my opinion the most described of the things descriibed in the
> songs aplly belong to a lot of other countries especially in
> Europe.When I think of a[red]A[(red]merica I think of full and loud
> streets,traffic and busy people.I also associate Hollywood
> with aAmerica. The stars, the oscars, and other events in
> aAmerica.

Liebe Grüße,

Sarah :-)

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