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Forum "Grammatik" - Have you ever...
Have you ever... < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Have you ever...: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:43 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen...
Please make questions with Have you ever...? Then write answers-Yes, I have or No, I haven't- for yourself.

a) eat ice-cream late at night
- Have you ever eat ice-cream late at night? No, I haven't.

b) walk home from a party at 3 a.m.
- Have you ever walk at home from a party at 3 a.m.? Yes, I have.

c) read a book till 5 a.m.
- Have you ever read a book till 5 a.m.? No, I haven't.

d) go for a swim in the rain
- Have you ever go for a swim in the rain? No, I haven't.

e) forget the shopping for the weekend
_ Have you ever forget the shopping for the weekend? Yes, I have.

f) talk to a neighbour about cats
- Have you ever talk to a neighbour about cats? Yes, I have.

g) watch football match alone
- Have you ever watch football match alone? No, I haven't.

h) go to bed at 7 p.m.
- Have you ever go to bed at 7 p.m.? Yes, I have.

i) do a test in a newspaper
- Have you ever do a test in a newspaper? Yes, I have.

j) read your horoscope
_ Have you ever read your horoscope? Yes, I have.

ist das richtig?

Have you ever...: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 10:51 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: Britta82

Hallo Suzan

> Hallöchen zusammen...
>  Please make questions with Have you ever...? Then write
> answers-Yes, I have or No, I haven't- for yourself.

ich würde die fragen allgemein in der Vergangenheit schreiben, denn auf die beziehst du dich ja, also

Have you ever eaten ic-cream late at night?...
Have you ever walked home ...



Have you ever...: past participle
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:06 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: Marc

Hallo Britta,

> > Hallöchen zusammen...
>  >  Please make questions with Have you ever...? Then write
> > answers-Yes, I have or No, I haven't- for yourself.
>  >  
> ich würde die fragen allgemein in der Vergangenheit
> schreiben, denn auf die beziehst du dich ja, also
> Have you ever ate ic-cream late at night?...
>  Have you ever walked home ...

Nach meinem Sprachgefühl steht nach "have you ever" immer das past participle, also
"Have you ever eaten ice-cream late at night?"

Die anderen Formen habe ich noch nie gehört, ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass "have you ever ate" und "have you ever eat" falsch ist.

> ist sinnvoller.
> aber ansonsten ist es gut.
> > a) eat ice-cream late at night
>  >  - Have you ever eat ice-cream late at night? No, I
> > haven't.
>  ja gut

[notok] Have you ever eaten...

>  >  
> > b) walk home from a party at 3 a.m.
>  >  - Have you ever walk at home from a party at 3 a.m.?
> Yes,
> > I have.
>  Have you ever walk home ...

[notok] Have you ever walked...

> > c) read a book till 5 a.m.
>  >  - Have you ever read a book till 5 a.m.? No, I
> haven't.
>  gut

[ok], aber nur, weil alle drei Formen von "read" gleich geschrieben werden :-)

> > d) go for a swim in the rain
>  >  - Have you ever go for a swim in the rain? No, I
> haven't.
>  gut

[notok] Have you ever gone for...

> > e) forget the shopping for the weekend
>  >  _ Have you ever forget the shopping for the weekend?
> Yes,
> > I have.
>  gut

[notok] Have you ever forgotten...

> > f) talk to a neighbour about cats
>  >  - Have you ever talk to a neighbour about cats? Yes, I
> > have.
>  gut

[notok] Have you ever talked...

> > g) watch football match alone
>  >  - Have you ever watch football match alone? No, I
> > haven't.
>  gut

[notok] Have you ever watched...

> > h) go to bed at 7 p.m.
>  >  - Have you ever go to bed at 7 p.m.? Yes, I have.
>  gut

[notok] Have you ever gone to bed...

> > i) do a test in a newspaper
>  >  - Have you ever do a test in a newspaper? Yes, I have.
>  gut

[notok] Have you ever done...

> > j) read your horoscope
>  >  _ Have you ever read your horoscope? Yes, I have.
>  gut

[ok], s.o.
Viele Grüße,

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