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Forum "Sonstiges (Englisch)" - Inhaltsangabe/ summary
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Inhaltsangabe/ summary: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:23 So 16.10.2005
Autor: Englein89

Hallo zusammen,

ich schreibe morgen Klausur (Englisch GK 11) und unter anderem soll ich eine short story zusammenfasse. Habt ihr da vielleicht irgendwelche useful words and phrases parat? Uns wurde das nie wirklich beigebracht, weil und immer freie Hand gelassen wurde, war bei mir aber nie so richtig gut. Ist es richtig, dass man keinen "richtigen" Eileitungssatz macht, also erstmal Eckdaten mit abstraktem Inhalt und dann der Grobinhalt wie im Deutschen, sondern Eckdaten und dann sofort Grobinhalt?

Wäre lieb, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte.


Inhaltsangabe/ summary: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:45 So 16.10.2005
Autor: taura

Hallo Englein!

Also ich kenne das so, dass in die Einleitung die Eckdaten kommen, also Titel, Autorund von wann is das Ding, und dann in einem Satz der Inhalt grob umrissen wird. Also etwas in der Art: "The short story "[title]" by [author] was published [year]. It is a narrative about..." oder so ähnlich... Danach folgt dann der Hauptteil, in dem du den Inhalt zusammenfasst.

Hast du vielleicht ein Beispiel einer Short Stroy? Dann versuch dich doch mal daran und poste, was du dazu geschrieben hast. Dann ist es auch leichter dir Tipps zu geben :-)

Gruß taura

Inhaltsangabe/ summary: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:03 So 16.10.2005
Autor: Englein89

Das wäre nett :)

Locker 160
Lee Busselman
(Erscheinungsjahr kenne ich nicht, sagen wir 1990, um die Daten vollständig zu machen)


It was my idea, I guess, in the first place. “Let’s put a hate note in someone’s
locker,” I said to Julie, half as a joke. We were waiting for biology class to begin.
She smiled and raised her eyebrows. “Another one of your great ideas, Karen?
Whose locker do you suggest we put it in?”
5 I glanced around the room. “Oh – Miriam.” It wasn’t that we really – I mean really –
hated Miriam. That is, we both said “Good morning” to her and “See you tomorrow”.
But she was just – well, different.
She was pretty, with long, black hair and a graceful figure, but she wasn’t popular.
Miriam always kept to herself. Besides that, she wrote poetry, that weird, free verse
10 kind that nobody can understand.
That was how it began.
The next morning, Julie and I arrived at school early. We planned to write a note
and put it in Miriam’s locker, number 160. “What should we say?” I asked. I held my
pencil over a piece of notebook paper.
15 “Something simple. How about ‘You stink’?”
I printed the message in large, untidy letters. “There,” I said, handing the paper to
“I don’t want it. You take it.” She pushed the note back. “I’m scared.” I didn’t want to,
but I took the paper. My hands trembled as I walked down the hallway. I heard the
20 loud clack of my footsteps on the linoleum. As I came near locker 160, I looked
around to make sure nobody was watching. There was only Julie, peeking around
the corner of the hall. I opened Miriam’s locker. The books were neatly piled on a
metal shelf. A notebook with ‘Miriam Laker’ written on it was beside them.
I placed our note on her notebook, where she would be sure to see it. I closed the
25 locker door and walked away, with a pleasant feeling of relief.
We stayed in the hall almost 15 minutes, waiting for Miriam to arrive.
Then Julie nudged me and whispered, “Here she comes.”
Miriam went directly to the locker.
“Look,” Julie whispered. “Look at her face.”
30 We burst out laughing. It was clear that Miriam had seen the note. Her face looked
as if she had been hit with a wet dish rag. Julie and I fled, giggling, to the rest room.
After that it was easy.
The next day, we arranged an open plastic bag of marbles in Miriam’s locker. When
the hundreds of marbles went bouncing and clattering down the hallway, I wondered
35 how she explained it to the principal. He was standing nearby when it happened.
After that, Julie got the idea of making a voodoo doll of Miriam. I must say we did
an excellent job. We used a large carrot for the body, and a small onion with black
yarn for the head.
After we drew the face on in ink, we stuck a huge hat pin through the onion. Then
40 we hung a tiny sign on the doll that said ’Miriam’. I thought it looked rather cute on
the shelf of Miriam’s locker.
We reached a new height the next day. Julie had a petition to change the school
dress code. It had been signed by almost our whole class, but it hadn’t been given to
the principal yet. We copied all the names onto another sheet of paper, which
45 said: ”We, the undersigned, do hereby declare that Miriam Laker is weird, and do
hereby announce that we hate her.” Julie put the little gem in Miriam’s locker, just
before biology class. We waited in the biology room for Miriam to come in. We
wanted to see how she had taken our last surprise. The bell rang, but Miriam still
hadn’t come.


Das ist die Kurzgeschichte. Wäre echt toll, wenn du mir da eine Inhaltsangabe zu schreiben könntest, mit Begriffen, die auch für andere Inhaltsangaben nützlich sind. Vor allem bei den Eckdaten fehlen mir oft die richtigen begriffe wie "BY (author)" und "was published (in?)"...

Danke schonmal!

Inhaltsangabe/ summary: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:08 So 16.10.2005
Autor: Englein89

Das war eine Kurgeschichte aus der 10. Klasse, da haben wir noch nicht so wirklich drauf geachtet, wie das so geschrieben wird.
Hab da geschrieben:

"The story "Locker 160" by Lee Busselman is about two girls, Karen and Julie, who play bad tricks on another girl at school, called Miriam, because they think she is "weird", and that is why they even hate this girl. At the beginning they just play little tricks on her, like putting hate notes and marbles in her locker. But Karen and Julie cannot stop annoying Miriam....".

Und ich finde, das hört sich überhaupt nicht professionell an ;)

Inhaltsangabe/ summary: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:36 So 16.10.2005
Autor: taura

Hallo englein!

Also, ich veruch mal, dir einen Anfang zu schreiben und du schreibst dann weiter in Ordnung?

"The short story 'Locker 160' by Lee Busselman (Datum kann man ja auch weg lassen wenn keins dabei steht) treats the subject of harassment (Mobbing) an school.
Its about two girls, Julie and Karen, who decide, just for fun, to tease a class mate named Miriam. They write hate notes, ..."

So jetzt bist du dran. Fass kurz zusammen, was die beiden alles machen und beschreib, was am Ende passiert. Schreib das einfach mal auf, dann kann ich dir für manche Stellen vielleicht noch ein paar Standardformulierungen dazuschreiben oder so. :-)

Übrigens: schlecht ist dein Summary doch garnicht, es fehlt eben nur die Gliederung in Einleitung und Hauptteil, damit wird es etwas "professioneller" ;-)

Gruß taura

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