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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur
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Korrektur: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:03 Di 04.08.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Morgen

Wäre dankbar um Korrektur

Montag fights/deals with two different conflict. At first again his superior beatty who want persuades about his pleasant life as a firemen. And otherwise he combat with himself again the former Montag.

He enjoys a high esteem in society.

The novel had a great impression on me
The author addresses a lot of different topics. But he doesn’t give a conclusion answer, so that the reader is encouraged to form his own opinion. During the reading process I hadn’t time to think seriously about the happenings, because the actions go very fast so you had to be very concentrated to follows incident. Therefore the disgust of the books began afterwards. I begin to question if it is a real image of humanity which the author has represented. Furthermore the author wants to call attention the reader that a lot of these inhuman tendencies are also contemporary in our society. Doubtlessly the novel has had great impact on me, so that I think critically about certainly society tendencies. Otherwise I appreciate more the freedom in Switzerland and that we have the right and possibility to be an individual.

Ralph loses the sight of the importance of the signal fire.
Ralph stands for kindness, goodness, common sense and his shows empathy for the other boys. Despite he is also susceptible to violence and instincts. With the help of Ralph the reader learns that the beast is something with universal validity.

Clarisse is the first person in his life who is interested in his person.
He had never such a close relationship to a person before.
Clarisse had a significant influence on Montag, by asking sensible question, showing him the beauty of nature, confront him with his inhuman job. She tries to show him the real live and to call attention to the all the grievances and abuses.

Montag fights/deals with two different conflict. At first again his superior beatty who want persuades about his pleasant life as a firemen. And otherwise he combat with himself again the former Montag.

Vielen Dank
gruss Dinker

Korrektur: ersten Teil korrigiert
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:11 Di 25.08.2009
Autor: derdickeduke

Montag fights/ deals with two different conflicts. At first
again his superior beatty (Wort kenn ich nicht)  who wants persuades about his to persuade him to a  
pleasant life as a firemen. And otherwise he combats with
himself again the former Montag.

Sinn dieses Abschnittes? Jetzt stimmt er glaub ich grammatikalisch, aber einen sinnvollen Inhalt kann ich leider nicht ausmachen. Pass auf dein "s" in der dritten Person Singular auf! I, you, we, you they want aber he wants

He enjoys a high esteem in society.

nicht einfach Deutsche Wendungen wörtlich ins Englische übersetzen!
he enjoys a good reputation in society kann man aber glaube ich sagen.

The novel had made a great impression on me.
besser: in my opinion the novel was most impressive
The author addresses a lot of different topics. But he
doesn’t give a conclusion final answer, so that the reader is
encouraged to form his own opinion. During the reading
process I hadn’t had no time to think seriously about the
happenings events, because the actions go come? very fast so you vorhin war es noch "I" had to
be very concentrated to follows the incidents. Therefore the
disgust   du findest es eklig? of the books wiklich mehrere Bücher? began afterwards. I begin to question
if it is a real image of humanity, which the author has
. Furthermore the author wants to calldraw the readers attention to the fact
the reader that a lot of these inhuman tendencies are also
contemporary in our society. Doubtlessly the novel has had
great impact on me, so that I think critically about
certainly society tendencies. Otherwise I appreciate more
the freedom in Switzerland and that we have the right and
possibility to be an individual.

Mehr schaff ich grad net


Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:35 Di 25.08.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
kleiner Hinweis:

"Beatty" ist der Name des Vorgesetzten.
Der Herr Montag kämpft also zum einen gegen eben diesen Vorgesetzten, der ihm doch immer wieder beizubiegen versucht, welch wunderbarer Beruf doch der des Feuerwehrmannes ist, und zum anderen ringt er mit sich selbst und dem "früheren" Montag ihn ihm.

Soweit in Kürze.

Schönen Gruß

> Montag fights/ deals with two different conflicts. At first
> again his superior beatty (Wort kenn ich nicht)  who wants
> persuades about his to persuade him to a  
> pleasant life as a firemen. And otherwise he combats with
> himself again the former Montag.

Korrektur: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Fr 04.09.2009
Autor: matux

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