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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur der Fehler
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Korrektur der Fehler: Presentation World poverty
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:46 Sa 04.11.2006
Autor: Marie-Therese

habe am montag eine presentation und es wäre nett wenn mir jemand diesen englischen text verbessern würde....
schon mal danke im voraus...
ciao marie-therese

The subject of my presentation is about world poverty.
It´s shame that in the 21th century there is so much poverty. The number of the poor is still increasing.
Why isn't our world equal? Our world is divided into two – those who have and those who don't.
Poverty is a serious problem: It needs to be recognized and everybody should help to solve the problem. Poverty is everywhere. Every country has its poor people, but some counties have many more people who live in poverty and who suffer many more famine than others do.
How can there be so much people who have so little and so few people who have so much? There is such a huge gap between the rich and the poor. I think the gap will increase more and more. But the gap is a fact of life. The poor are getting poorer and poorer and the rich are getting richer and richer.
The countries which suffer most poverty are the so called Third World countries, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Every day they struggle to survive. In the developing countries most of them have no education, less to eat, are unemployed and no healthcare.
A major part of the problem is the high population in the developing countries. The population is increasing and it doesn't stop to grow. Because people in the third world believe that children are the capital for their progress. On one hand they aren´t so wrong because they send there children to work early that they can earn money but on the other hand it is not good because the children end up with no education. Education is very important, because it could help the poor to get out of poverty. But most of them who live in developing countries did not place education as one of their important things. If somebody has an education, its an poor education, so the rich countries have to improve the education, that the poor doesn't remain poor.
Many children in the third world have no parents, because their parents are dead or they abandoned their children. Because of that you can find a lot of street children in the developing countries. These are youngsters who need equal opportunities to work for a better future. But a lot of people characterise them as human trash, I think that’s very unfair because they havn't a chance. Surly a lot of them turn into crime or become drug addict, because it is difficult to live a normal life when you are a lonely child. Often they are forced to beg, pushed to work and abused by others. They don't know what a normal childhood is.
This is only one example how hard it is to be poor.
Now Let us turn to another example.
Prostitution, the reason is that they have no or a very bad education, parents send their children to work to support the family because there are so many children.
Child Labour, is also a result of no education, children are working under subhuman conditions. They toil (schuften) over hours and hours for little pay, and are often abused by their employers. The rate of crime is also always increasing, people often don't know another way how they can get money. These are only a few problems of developing countries., another problems are no electricity, no water pipes, mine worker, lack of jobs, no medicine, Aids, corruption, civil wars, natural disasters and so on.
Now let us turn to the causes. Natural disasters are not even the only matter of poverty.
Poverty is also a result of the mismanaged economics. Powerful countries take unfair advantages over those who have less, because of that the poor are always getting poorer and the rich richer. The rich exploit the poor .
Another matter is poverty itselfs, because it is preventing investment and developing. In many countries is also a lot of corruption so the poor have to give the rich what they have.
Sure, natural disasters are also a huge problem. Poverty is inevitable in developing countries where they are plagued by floods, droughts and other problems.

We are human beings, we are supposed to live well and everyone should treat as equals. – This isn't the ideal world, to anyone.
So how can we solve these problems? How can we help to reduce poverty?
There are some organisations which help the poor, for example UNICEF or WTO.
The WTO (world trade organisation) was set up that rich countries can't take unfair advantage over those who have less.
It is important to create jobs in developing countries.
I think FAIR TRADE is a very good case to help people. Fair trade offers better trading conditions for producers and workers in developing countries.
When we buy fair trade products, we can help the people in the developing countries and you can be sure that the workers and producers have been unexploited (nicht ausgebeutet).
Another solution could be a long term programme of social change rooted in education, sanitation and health. To reduce trade barriers, encourage trade and investment could also help to decrease poverty. I don´t think that throwing aid at this countries is the solution. However we should allow them better access to our markets so they can help themselves.

I think for us it's the best to buy fair trade products to help the poor, because I don't believe in bounties.
But I sadly doubt if human nature will ever change, because power and wealth will remain in the hands of the few.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Korrektur der Fehler: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:47 Sa 04.11.2006
Autor: Miezexxx

The subject of my presentation is about world poverty.
It´s a shame that in the 21th century there is so much poverty. The number of the poor people is still increasing.
Why isn't our world equal? Our world is divided into two – those who have and those who don't have.
Poverty is a serious problem: It needs to be recognized and everybody should help to solve theis problem. Poverty is everywhere. Every country has its poor people, but some countries have many more people who live in poverty and who suffer many more famine than others do.
How can there be so much people who have so little so little what? and so few people who have so much much what?? There is such a huge gap between the rich and the poor [red]ones/people[red]. I think the gap will increase more and more. But the gap is a fact of life. The poor ones are getting poorer and poorer and the rich ones are getting richer and richer.
The countries which suffer most poverty are the so called Third World countries, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Everyday they struggle to survive. In the developing countries most of them have no education, less to eat, are unemployed and no healthcare.
A major part of the problem is the high population in the developing countries. The population is increasing and it doesn't stop to grow. Because people in the third world believe that children are the capital for their progress. On one hand they aren´t so wrong because they send there children to work early that they can earn money but on the other hand it is not good because the children end up with no education. Education is very important, because it could help the poor to get out of poverty. But most of them who live in developing countries diddo not place education as one of their important things. If somebody has an education, its an poor education, so the rich countries have to improve the education, that the poor doesn't remain poor.
Many children in the third world have no parents, because their parentsthey are dead or they abandoned their children. Because of that you can find a lot of street children in the developing countries. These are youngsters? who need equal opportunities to work for a better future. But a lot of people characterise them as human trash, I think that’s very unfair because they haven't got a chance. Surely a lot of them turn into crime or become drug addicted, because it is difficult to live a normal life when you are a lonely child. Often they are forced to beg, pushed to work and abused by others. They don't know what a normal childhood is.
This is only one example how hard it is to be poor.
Now let us turn to another example.
Prostitution, the reason is that they have no or a very bad education, parents send their children to work to support the family because there are so many children.
Child Labour, is also a result of no education, children are working under subhuman conditions. They toil (schuften) over hours and hours for little pay, and are often abused by their employers. The rate of crime is also always increasing, people often don't know another way how they can get money. These are only a few problems of developing countries, another problems are no electricity, no water pipes, mine worker, lack of jobs, no medicine, Aids, corruption, civil wars, natural disasters and so on.
Now let us turn to the causes. Natural disasters are not even the only matter of poverty.
Poverty is also a result of the missmanaged economics. Powerful countries take unfair advantages over those who have less, because of that the poor are always getting poorer and the rich richer. The rich exploit the poor .
Another matter is poverty itselfs, because it is preventing investment and developing. In many countries  there is also a lot of corruption so the poor have to give the rich what they have.
Sure, natural disasters are also a huge problem. Poverty is inevitable? in developing countries where they are plagued by floods, droughts and other problems.

We are human beings, we are supposed to live well and everyone should treat as equals. – This isn't the ideal world, to anyone.
So how can we solve these problems? How can we help to reduce poverty?
There are some organisations which help the poor, for example UNICEF or WTO.
The WTO (world trade organisation) was set up that rich countries can't take unfair advantage over those who have less.
It is important to create jobs in developing countries.
I think FAIR TRADE is a very good case to help people. Fair trade offers better trading conditions for producers and workers in developing countries.
When we buy fair trade products, we can help the people in the developing countries and you can be sure that the workers and producers have been unexploited (nicht ausgebeutet).
Another solution could be a long term programme of social change rooted in education, sanitation and health. To reduce trade barriers, encourage trade and investment could also help to decrease poverty. I don´t think that throwing aid at this countries is the solution. However we should allow them better access to our markets so they can help themselves.

I think for us it's the best to buy fair trade products to help the poor, because I don't believe in bounties.
But I sadly doubt if human nature will ever change, because power and wealth will remain in the hands of the few.

Ich habe mal drüber gesehn, kann aber nicht garantieren alle Fehler gefunden zu haben. Lg Nicole

Korrektur der Fehler: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 21:16 Sa 04.11.2006
Autor: Marie-Therese

danke fürs mal durchschauen, hilft mir schon ziemlich weiter, weil man selber nach dem 3. oder 4. mal durchlesen keine fehler mehr findet, ich aufjedenfall nicht...
also vielen dank.....
ciao baba marie-therese

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