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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur sehr erwünscht
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Korrektur sehr erwünscht: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:17 Di 07.07.2009
Autor: Dinker


Wäre ungemein dankbar um Korrektur

The book people doesn’t break the law, because they learn by heart the book information, so that they can burn the books like the model citizen. But the book information preserve in their memories, that they can recall after the atomic war. Thereby the culture and the past isn’t destroyed completely.

It’s uncredible, how their paradise stay could end in such a hell.

Two emergency men arrive, which replace with a special gadget Mildred’s poison blood. This work is for them routine, because they have to do this procedure several times every night. This give us a hint, that the people aren’t really happy as they think.

The author gives us a lot of material to think about, but the conclusion answer we have to form by oneself.

Jack overthrown Ralph’s leadership and his democracy statesystem.

At the end they hunt Ralph like a pig. All human elements seem to be eradicated, because the boys act in exactly the same way as a predator would.

Ralph is longing for returning home. He thinks about his former life and hopes his father will rescue him. But he doesn’t realize that also in the world outside the island takes place a war.

The people’s manipulation begins before they are born and after their death.

Ralph is (überfordert, passendes Wort) to deal appropriate with the situation.

Ralph loses the conviction that his government system is suitable, because nobody obey the rules and the boys are more and more controlled from their impulses.

Ralph and Jack are opponents, who has a totally different concept to lead a group of boys. Ralph adheres the ideas that he has learn in the civilized world. Therefore he tries to maintain democracy, where everyone has the right to speak. To protect the boys from arbitrariness he establishes rules. To put in a nutshell, Ralph wants the beast for he group and sympathizes with the boys in their problems.
But his concept is combated vehement from Jack. His notion of leading the group is comparable with a dictatorship like Hitler. People are from him worthless what you can see in the way how he treats them. He isn’t interested to make a conversation with the boys, because he makes the rules and the other have to obey. If someone refuses to act according to his ideas will torture as long as he takes back his refusal. He also tries to use the mass hysterie for his advantage that is demonstrated by the ritual dances. It develops a group dynamic so that the boys act without any shame or think about their acting. Summarized you can say, his authoritarianism based on arbitrariness, violence.

Bradbury arouses/creates suspense with the help of different instruments. His applies an open beginning, so that the reader is without an introduction in the middle of the story. Another instrument is the using of several turning points. The first is. When he witnesses the death of the old woman, who prefers to die than life without their books. The next turning point is, when Beatty provokes him as long as he decides to kill him.
Another element what makes the story very varied is the use of symbols and metaphors. For example, fire is more than the word means. It symbolizes the destruction power of fire, but it stands also for something that gives the people a warm feeling and demonstrates the closeness and solidarity. For example when the book people sit around the fire is symbolizes their communal spirit.  
You begin to realize what happens on the island and analyses how this could just happen. You must realize that it isn’t something unrealistic what you have thought at first. For example, when you take a look at history you recognize there was several people who act in a similar way to Ralph. The best example would be the Second World War, where the human beings almost obliterate themselves.

Vielen Dank
gruss Dinker

Korrektur sehr erwünscht: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Fr 07.08.2009
Autor: matux

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