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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Sätze zum Korrigieren
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Sätze zum Korrigieren: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:01 Mi 26.11.2008
Autor: Dinker

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

In many situations her behaviour is like a child

Ich möchte inhaltlich die Frage stellen:
Warum unternimmt Mildred einen Selbstmordversuch
Why does Mildred make an attempt of suicide?

This title you can bring in  coherence with Montag
Sollte heissen, dass man den Titel mit Montag in Zusammenhang bringen kann.

To commit suicide and murder became very popular in this society. A lot of people try to commit suicide. This indicate that the people aren’t so happy as they think to be. To run over people by car is a very popular pastime in this society.
I can see, in this society a human life is nearly worthless. If a human died, this cause nearly none emotion or grief by people.
This shows an individual person is unimportant in this society.

Why does Mildred commit suicide?
Her suicide attempt suggests that she is in great pain and that her obsession with television is a means to avoid confronting her life

Viel Dank für deine Bemühungen

Sätze zum Korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:18 Mi 26.11.2008
Autor: leduart

Hallo Dinker
> Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen
> Internetseiten gestellt.
> In many situations her behaviour is like a child

In many situations her behaviour is childlike (oder like that of a child)

> Ich möchte inhaltlich die Frage stellen:
>  Warum unternimmt Mildred einen Selbstmordversuch
>  Why does Mildred make an attempt of suicide?


> This title you can bring in  coherence with Montag
>  Sollte heissen, dass man den Titel mit Montag in
> Zusammenhang bringen kann.

Satzstellung und Wort falsch :
You (besser one) can connect this title with Montag,
One could make a connection from this title to m.
One can find a relation of this title to M.
allerdings auch im deutschen schlecht, es muesste nicht mit Montag, sondern mit irgendwas von oder an Montag in Zush. gebracht werden

> To commit suicide and murder became very popular in this
> society. A lot of people try to commit suicide. This
> indicate that the people aren’t so happy as they think to


> be. To run over people by car is a very popular pastime in
> this society.
>  I can see, in this society a human life is nearly
> worthless. If a human died, this cause nearly none emotion
> or grief by people.

dies (du musst in der Zeit bleiben) no emotion
besser causes people no emotion or grief.

>  This shows an individual person is unimportant in this
> society.
> Why does Mildred commit suicide?
>  Her suicide attempt suggests that she is in great pain and
> that her obsession with television is a means to avoid
> confronting her life

Gruss leduart

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