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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Translation
Translation < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Translation: Exercise 4
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 19:54 Di 15.04.2008
Autor: wissensbegierde

Write a ghost story with minimum 120 words

hi leude,

die folgende geschichte ergibt zwar nicht viel sinn, aber
bitte sagt mir wo ich meine schwerwiegenden fehler gemacht hab

Deadly Pains?

A legend says that the house of pains is one of the most nystetrious places in the world. It is said that everybody who goes there would disappear and will never be seen.
One day two young men heard the story and wanted to find out more abaut the rumours of this strange place.
When they arrived the little a little village, nealrby the castle, they needed a place to sleep.
They knocked at an old looking house, but when they had waited for a long time time they thought nobody would be at home.
but then they heard a screaming wife:"One moment I will come in a moment, I have waited for you two a long time."
The twto men were shocked. "Wherefrom does she know that we are twosome? The other man did not answer, then the door was opened in a very slow and noisy way.
It seemed that the door had not been opened for a long time.
A white-haired ugly old wife showed them her rotten teeth and seemed to be overhappy.
When she offered them to stay the night they were suspicious, bit they were also tired so they wanted to fall asöeep.
In the early morning they were awaked by the old woman. She had already prepared the breakfast.
When she trold them they should not go into the castle they were surprised. They had not told her about their enterprise/plan, but when she saw their confused looking face she answered:"Nobody comes here with another reason than the castle, but i have already persuaded alot of interested people not to go there."
All people who went there were lost. Nobody came back.
"But the two men had already decided.
When they were going to the castle the heaven got darker and darker.
Then it began to rain and they heard thunder and saw the lightnings.
It was ba scarying athmosphere. Jonny, the other man, said that he was frightened but the other just laughed.
Arriving the castle they heard a sacreaming voice,  it sounded like a death scream.
Then they heard haunting the haunting laughing old woman:"muhaha"
I will let u suffer from deadly pains and will eat your guts". She did not look like the old woman but she was it. Jonny just liiked for the old woman, but Daniel remareked a moving behind them.
When they noticed what had happened it was already over.
They were revolved by the old woman an eight other young and old humans? No they were undeads.
The womens voice sounded:"I gave you my warning, but you decided to ignore it, now you will feed me and my famaly.
we can not die, and we need human meat/flesh, but do not be sick we will kill you in a very slow way." She laughed again and one of the monsters grabbed after/for Jonnys hand.
He awaked immidiatetly dripped with sweat.
After some minutes he realised where he had beenand what had happened. He phoned his friend and he dad the same dream.
He swore to bring their dream on the paper.
And he also swore never to read such haunting histories about imagination again.
It woul not be good for his heart.

I just wanna know whether this is good enough for tenth class.
And please show me my mistakes.

yours sincerely


Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Translation: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:22 Do 17.04.2008
Autor: matux

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