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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Zum korrigieren
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Zum korrigieren: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:17 Di 19.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

Etwas zum korrigieren

Human are unable to suppress feeling for their whole life. To illustrate this statement I will mention the Soviet Union. For several decades the people lived in peace and therefore conveyed the impression they are happy. But after Gorbatschow became president of the state in 1985 and granted the citizen more freedom you could see that wasn’t everything in order. The consequence was the decay of the Soviet Union and establishment of several nation states

I think the Liberalism offers us the most freedom, because it tries to keep the task of the state to a minimum. But this caused a slope between rich and poor, meanwhile the socialism tries to compensate/balance this slope. But which is the better system it depends of our view of the world.

This statement you can see on the death of the old woman and Beatty.

What happens on the island is a reflection from the development of Germany at that time.
After the Germany’s capitulation in the First World War, the state was forced to set up Weimar Republic, that operated (nach)…… democracy principles ,,,,,,,

He begins more and more think about if it’s the right thing what he does.
If it is oder if is it...?

Vielen herzlichen Dank

Zum korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:27 Do 21.05.2009
Autor: Josef

Hallo Dinker,

Human are Mankind is unable to suppress feelings for their its whole life. To illustrate this statement I will mention the Soviet Union. For several decades the people lived in peace and therefore conveyed the impression they are were happy. But after Gorbatschow became president of the state in 1985 and granted the citizens more freedom you could see that there wasn’t everything in order. The consequence was the decay of the Soviet Union and the establishment of several nation indepentent states

I think the Liberalism offers us the most freedom, because it tries to keep the task of the state to a minimum. But this caused a slope between rich and poor, meanwhile the socialism tries to compensate/balance this slope. But which is the better system; it depends of on our view of the world.

This statement you can see on This point of view is stated in the death of the old woman and Beatty.

What happens on the island is a reflection from of the development of Germany at that time.
After the Germany’s capitulation in the First World War, the state was forced to set up Weimar Republic, that operated (nach) on democracy principles ,,,,,,,

He begins more and more to think about the fact if it’s the right thing what he does.
If it is oder if is it . .?

If it is ...

Viele Grüße

Zum korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:10 Do 21.05.2009
Autor: mmhkt

eine kleine Ergänzung zu Josefs Beitrag:

> After the Germany’s capitulation in the First World War,

Entweder: After the german capitulation[...]
oder: After Germany’s capitulation[...]  

> He begins more and more think about if it’s the right thing
> what he does.
>  If it is oder if is it...?

Vorschlag: More and more he begins to think about[...]

Schönen Gruß

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