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Forum "Grammatik" - conversation into indirect ...
conversation into indirect ... < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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conversation into indirect ...: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:45 Do 29.09.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen,

Michael and Sheila talk about the Epcot Centre, about what they have seen and what they will see. Please put the conversation into indirect speech.

1. Sheila:" We saw a lot in the Epcot Centre yesterday."
- Sheila said that they had seen a lot in the Epcot Centre the day before.

2. Michael:" Yes, we did. It was more interesting than Magic Kingdom."
- Michael said that they did and it was more interesting than Magic Kingdom.

3. Sheila:" No, it wasn't. They were both super."
- Sheila said it wasn't they were oth super.

4. Michael:"And tonight we are going to see the Western Show."
- Michael said that they had seen the Western Show.

5. Sheila:" That must be fantastic. Friends have told me already about it."
- Sheila said that was fantastic and her friends had told her already about it.

6. Michael:" And after the schow we will have some time to relax a little. I'm so tired."
- Michael said that they had after the show some time to relaxed a little and he was so tired.

ist das so ok?


conversation into indirect ...: Antwort (fehlerhaft)
Status: (Antwort) fehlerhaft Status 
Datum: 15:13 Do 29.09.2005
Autor: Britta82

Hi Suzan

> Hallöchen zusammen,
> Michael and Sheila talk about the Epcot Centre, about what
> they have seen and what they will see. Please put the
> conversation into indirect speech.
> 1. Sheila:" We saw a lot in the Epcot Centre yesterday."
>  - Sheila said that they had seen a lot in the Epcot Centre
> the day before.

warum änderst du die Zeit? schreib einfach , .... that they saw a lot...

> 2. Michael:" Yes, we did. It was more interesting than
> Magic Kingdom."
>  - Michael said that they did and it was more interesting
> than Magic Kingdom.

Micheal said that they did and that it (the Epcot center) was more intersting than Magic Kingdom.

> 3. Sheila:" No, it wasn't. They were both super."
>  - Sheila said it wasn't they were oth super.

Sheila said that it wasn´t more interesting she find them both super.

> 4. Michael:"And tonight we are going to see the Western
> Show."

Die falsche Zeit, es ist ja erst ein Plan

Michael said that they are going to see the Western Show

> 5. Sheila:" That must be fantastic. Friends have told me
> already about it."
>  - Sheila said that was fantastic and her friends had told
> her already about it.

Du gibst den Satz etwas anders wider, die Zeit...
Sheila said that it must be fantastic and that friends have told her about it.

> 6. Michael:" And after the schow we will have some time to
> relax a little. I'm so tired."
>  - Michael said that they had after the show some time to
> relaxed a little and he was so tired.

Die Zeit...

[]Hier kannst du dir auch mal ein paar Beispiele ansehen



conversation into indirect ...: Korrektur
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:29 So 02.10.2005
Autor: Lenina


1. Sheila:" We saw a lot in the Epcot Centre yesterday."

>  - Sheila said that they had seen a lot in the Epcot Centre
> the day before.

warum änderst du die Zeit? schreib einfach , .... that they saw a lot...

es ist richtig hier die Zeit zu ändern!
Steht das einleitende Verb der indirekten Rede im Simple past (hier:said)wird in der indirekten Rede die Zeit geändert. Sie wird gegenüber der Zeit in der direkten Rede um eine Stufe in die Vergangenheit zurückversetzt.


Direct speech                             Reported speech

simple present                                     simple past
present progressive                            past progressive

present perfect                                    past perfect
present perfect progressive                past perfect progressive

simple past                                          past perfect
past progressive                                  past perfect progressive

am/are/is going to                              was/were going to

will                                                      would

may                                                     might

Folgende Verben/Zeiten bleiben unverändert, weil sie nicht weiter in die Vergangenheit zurückversetzt werden können:

Past perfect
ought to/should

Steht das einleitende Verb nicht wie hier in unseren Beispielen im simple past sondern im simple present (he says), dann wird die Zeit der direkten Rede einfach in die indirekte Rede übernommen.

Da bei unseren Sätzen das einleitende Verb immer in der Vergangenheit steht, musst du in jedem Satz eine Zeitstufe zurückgehen!
Ich hoffe die Erklärung hilft dir!

Liebe Grüsse


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