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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - grant amnesty in south africa
grant amnesty in south africa < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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grant amnesty in south africa: korrektur lesen
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 19:10 Mi 14.12.2005
Autor: hooover

With reference to your knowledge about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission please express whether you thought it was right to grant amnesty in the (fictional) case of Hendricks.

Schönen guten abend ich wüßte gern ob das soweit alles im richtigen englisch geschrieben ist oder ob da fheler sind. schon mal vielen dank für die mühe

The end of the Apartheid System in South Africa is not long time ago.
Many things have change since this time. But people have a big inters
in the reconnaissance of crime against humanity. Admittedly is the
situation in South Africa very difficult by reason that there are a lot of
committers. Another thing is that in the majority of cases the committers
are find under the white population. You can speak about a collective guilt
like you can say it from the Germans in the Second World War. Only in
fact by the reason that people want to know what happened in truth to
come to terms with the past is it legitimated to grant amnesty about the
Truth and Reconciliation Commission. That's an odd thing that committers
get free, or get grant amnesty, whether they confess to a crime. What
symbolize it to other committers?  In my opinion it is not right in the case
of Hendricks to get grant amnesty. He does crime against humanity and
not only once. People know indeed the truth but the committers are now free.

grant amnesty in south africa: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:52 Mi 14.12.2005
Autor: Karl_Pech

Hallo hooover,

Ich werde versuchen, daß zu korrigieren, wo ich mir einigermaßen sicher bin. ;-) Verlass' dich bitte nicht allzu sehr auf meine Antwort. :-)
Dort, wo ich einen Fehler bei mir vermute, mache ich mal ein (*) hin.

> Task!

[ok] :-)

> The end of the Apartheid System in South Africa is not long
> time ago.

Hmm, hier stimmt etwas nicht... [kopfkratz3]
Mein Vorschlag: "The end of the Apartheid System in South Africa is not so long ago." (*)

> Many things have change since this time.

Many things have changed since then.

> But people have a
> big inters
>  in the reconnaissance of crime against humanity.

But people take a great interest in the clarification of crime against humanity.

> Admittedly is the
>  situation in South Africa very difficult by reason that
> there are a lot of
>  committers.

As there are many committers the situation in South Africa is very difficult [indeed]. (*)

> Another thing is that in the majority of cases
> the committers
>  are find under the white population.

Furthermore most crimes are committed by white citizens.

> You can speak about a
> collective guilt
> like you can say it from the Germans in the Second World
> War.

It's like a collective guilt similar to the one the Germans have since the second World War. (*)

> Only in
> fact by the reason that people want to know what happened
> in truth to
> come to terms with the past is it legitimated to grant
> amnesty about the
> Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

[sorry] Ich weiß nicht, was Du hier sagen willst. [keineahnung]

> That's an odd thing

It's an odd thing

> that committers
> get free, or get grant amnesty, whether they confess to a
> crime.

that committers are released, or amnestied, whether they confess to a crime.

> What
> symbolize it to other committers?

What does it symbolize to other committers?

> He commits crime against humanity and
> not only once.

> People know indeed the truth but the
> committers are now free.

Of what avail is it that people know the truth if the committers are free?


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