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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - school uniforms
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school uniforms: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 23:01 Di 23.11.2010
Autor: gnoergerl

A plaid skirt, an oxford shirt and slacks. That's what thousands of students have to wear everyday in school. Children usually are averse to wear school uniforms, but a lot of superintendents are convinced of the advantages they offers. So what are these positive aspects and what are the reason for the dislike of the students?
Headmasters  believe that school uniforms can create a sense of discipline. An student in a school uniform is more likely to take school seriously. The reason for that is that school uniforms signal work. The uniform will remind them of a place of studying. So when they are attuned to school they will take a more serious approach to their studies.
Many experts think that requiring children to wear school uniforms restrain their self-expression. People don't get to choose their own style and can't be different from everyone else. Thus, uniforms take away the student's individuality. It is obvious that the self-expression contributes to the development of a child. Hence, school uniforms can influence the children's growing-up.
Otherwise, uniforms help everyone to feel equal. Moreover they prevent kids from forming cliques based on economic status.  Fashion and clothe often provoke social conflicts. An example for that is that rich students sometimes treat their classmates, who are less wealthy, different than others. School uniforms help children to focus less on clothes. Consequently, they improve the climate and the behaviour in classrooms.
The cost of school uniforms is also a negative factor. In fact school uniforms can be very expensive. But the biggest problem is that students also need clothing for the time they are not in school. Children can't use their uniforms outside school. That's why these expenses can enormously burden the budget.
Now, one can see that the discussion about uniforms in schools isn't without any reason.  Personally, I have many difficulties coming to a decision. But when I really have to decide, I would prefer wearing no uniform. On the one hand, I think that they often look chic and in truth, I would be proud wearing one. But on the other hand, having the ability to choose my own style is very important for me. Moreover, in my opinion those extra costs are neither necessary nor reasonable.

Könnte mir bitte jemand helfen, den Text zu korrigieren. Bin mir bei so vielen Sätzen nicht sicher.
Danke im Voraus
lg gnoergerl

school uniforms: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:27 Mi 24.11.2010
Autor: chrisno

Ich hab das nur überflogen. Dabei hat mir das gefallen und über so richtig krasse Fehler bin ich nicht gestolpert. Das mit den Kosten sehe ich anders. Die Schuluniform war neu billiger als manche Stücke im second-hand-Laden.

school uniforms: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:37 Do 25.11.2010
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,
hier einige Anmerkungen und/oder Vorschläge.
Wie immer ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.

> A plaid skirt, an oxford shirt and slacks. That's what
> thousands of students have to wear everyday in school.
> Children usually are averse to wear school uniforms, but a
> lot of superintendents are convinced of the advantages they
> offers. (offer - ohne "s") So what are these positive aspects and what are the
> reason (Du schreibst "what are" - also reasons)for the dislike of the students?
>  Headmasters  believe that school uniforms can create a
> sense of discipline. An ("A" - das "n" kommt nur dran wenn das folgende Substantiv mit einem Vokal beginnt) student in a school uniform is more
> likely to take school seriously. The reason for that is
> that school uniforms signal work. The uniform will remind
> them of a place of studying. So when they are attuned to
> school they will take a more serious approach to their
> studies.
> Many experts think that requiring children to wear school
> uniforms restrain their self-expression. People don't get
> to choose their own style and can't be different from
> everyone else. Thus, uniforms take away the student's
> individuality. It is obvious that the self-expression
> contributes to the development of a child. Hence, school
> uniforms can influence the children's growing-up.
>  Otherwise, uniforms help everyone to feel equal. Moreover
> they prevent kids from forming cliques based on economic
> status.  Fashion and clothe (für Kleidung entweder "clothes" oder "clothing") often provoke social conflicts.
> An example for that is that rich students sometimes treat
> their classmates, who are less wealthy, different than
> others. School uniforms help children to focus less on
> clothes. Consequently, they improve the climate and the
> behaviour in classrooms.
> The cost of school uniforms is also a negative factor. In
> fact school uniforms can be very expensive. But the biggest
> problem is that students also need clothing for the time
> they are not in school. Children can't use their uniforms
> outside school. That's why these expenses can enormously
> burden the budget. ("enormously" müsste als Adverb m.E. ans Satzende)
> Now, one can see that the discussion about uniforms in
> schools isn't without any reason.  Personally, I have many
> difficulties coming to a decision. But when I really have
> to decide, I would prefer wearing no uniform. On the one
> hand, I think that they often look chic and in truth, I
> would be proud wearing one. But on the other hand, having
> the ability to choose my own style is very important for
> me. Moreover, in my opinion those extra costs are neither
> necessary nor reasonable.

Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, aber wenn ich mich recht erinnere, hieß "in der Schule" doch "at school" und nicht "in school".

Schönen Gruß

school uniforms: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:41 Do 25.11.2010
Autor: gnoergerl


Danke für die Korrektur! Das ware wirklich dumme Fehler...
wegen dem "in/at school" werde ich´noch fragen, ich sag dir Bescheid

Ich muss zugeben,dass ich noch nie eine Schulunifrom kaufen musste. Wir haben dazu aber in der Schule einiges gelesen. Anscheinend gibt es enorme Unterschiede die preise betreffend.

lg gnoergerl

school uniforms: Korrekturmitteilung
Status: (Korrektur) oberflächlich richtig Status 
Datum: 16:35 Do 25.11.2010
Autor: moody

> Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, aber wenn ich mich recht
> erinnere, hieß "in der Schule" doch "at school" und nicht
> "in school".

Soweit ich informiert bin kann man beides sagen.

Von meinem persönlichen Sprachgefühl her würde ich in school eher im Zusammenhang verwenden wenn man sagt dies und das wurde in der Schule heute behandelt.

Und at school wenn ich heute in der schule bin z.B.

lg moody

school uniforms: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:20 Fr 26.11.2010
Autor: matux

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