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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - statement
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statement: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 22:04 Fr 26.12.2008
Autor: Mandy_90

Are we for or against a multicultural society?If we look preciesly at our society,than we can recognize a lot of different cultures,so that we can speak about a multicultural society here in germany and not only in germany but in the whole west.
Now it's our mission to hold this multicultural society together.Therefor we need a leading culture,which follows the norms and values (=Werte-gibts da ein besseres Wort oder sagt man hier auch values?) of the germans and the immigrants.We have to agree at some basic norms,which are accepted by both and which can give them all an identity.I think our society and our next generation can only have a future if we follow this basic norms.It's unrenouncable (unverzichtbar) to keep the following norms if we want to have a good life together:Protection of life,mobility,abidance of contracts and agreements,truth of messages,private property of consumer articles.Only if we have a leading culture,which contains this norms,we can leave(hinterlassen) a society ,where our next generation has the possibility to fight in this globalised world and progress.So the prejudices have to be get ridden of from both sides ,germans and immigrants.But this can only succeed if there are more contacs between germans and immigrants and also muslims and christians.However that doesn't mean that we should forget our own feeling of self-worth and conviction,when we respect and accept the other.In my opinion,both,germans and immigrants have to overcome themselves and learn from the other side.Therefore the germans should show more respect and interest in other cultures,for example their traditions and that there are some norms,which are very important for them but not coercively for us,like the harmonic life of the generations together and respect to older people.And the immigrants should accept the seperation of state and religion in germany.So we can only have a contended society if we hold together,accept the norms and traditions of each other and make a leading culture out of it ,which includes all the norms,that are necessary for us to live in a good society and leave it for our next generation.  

Hallo zusammen^^

Ich hab mich nochmal an einen Text auf Englisch gesetzt,hab den wieder vom Deutschen ins Englische zusammengefasst.
Es wäre lieb,wenn den jemand korrigieren könnte,dabei geht es mir in erster Linie nicht um den Inhalt,sondern um mein Englisch,also die Ausdrucksweise,Fehler usw.
Ich möchte einfach meinen "Schreibstil" verbessern,zum Beispiel etwas "höhere" Satzstrukturen verwenden,als dieses kindliche Englisch.
Also wäre es gut wenn ihr mir einfach sagt,welche Fehler ich in meinem Text hab und ob ich die Sätze hätte schöner,ausgefallener schreiben können.

Vielen dank schon mal und frohe Weihanchten =)


statement: 1. Vorschlag
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 07:23 Sa 27.12.2008
Autor: kilchi

Guten Morgen

Es ist schon ein weilchen her, seit ich meine English Diplome gemacht habe... In meinem Beruf muss ich fast nichts Englishes schreiben... Habe aber immer noch viel Kontakt nach Nordamerika. Deshalb wird meine "verbesserung" wohl auch nicht perfekt sein. Aber vielleicht kannst du ja etwas damit anfangen und einige Ideen sind nicht zu schlecht!

....If we look preciesly at our society, we can recognize a lot of different cultures. However, we can speak about a multicultural society here in germany and not only in germany but also in western europe.

....Therefore we need a leading culture,which follows the norms and the ethical values of the germans and the immigrants.

... if we want to have a good life together, it will be unrenouncable to keep up the following norms:Protection of life,mobility,abidance of contracts and agreements,truth of messages and private property of consumer articles.

Was meinst du eigentlich genau mit leading culture?

...Only if we have a leading culture in Germany,which contains and follows strictly this norms, we can leave an intact society to our next generation, who have the possibility to struggle and emerge in this globalised world.

... for that reasons the prejudices have to get ridden of from both sides ,germans and immigrants.

...On the one hand this can only succeed if there are more cultural exchanges between germans and immigrants and also muslims and christians and on the other hand that doesn't mean that we should forget our own feelings of self-worth and conviction,when we respect and accept the others.

...In my opinion,both,germans and immigrants have to overcome themselves and learn from each other.

...Therefore the germans should show more respect and interest in other cultures,for example their traditions. Futhermore germans should accept some norms,which are very important for them but not coercively for us,like the harmonic life of the generations together and respect to older people.

...The immigrants should vice versa accept the seperation of state and religion in germany

statement: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:41 Sa 27.12.2008
Autor: Mandy_90

ok,vielen dank,das hilft mir schon mal weiter,vielleicht hat sonst noch jemand Verbesserungsvorschläge oder ist der Rest so in Ordnung,(Grammatik-,Rechtschreibfehler) ?

vielen dank


statement: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:20 Sa 10.01.2009
Autor: matux

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